MSP Exams - Foundation, Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner

You can gain 3 levels of certifications in MSP:

Foundation level

The MSP Foundation exam is designed to test your knowledge and understanding of MSP. The test lasts for 60 minutes and there are 75 questions. The format is multiple choice and the pass mark is 50%. The Foundation exam is closed book and is normally taken at the end of Day 3 of the MSP Foundation and Practitioner course.

Pre-requisites: you must have completed the pre-course work and have attended MSP Foundation training or completed our MSP e-learning course.

Practitioner level

The MSP Practitioner exam is designed to test your ability to evaluate programme management situations and apply MSP appropriately. The test lasts for 2.5 hours and there are 8 questions, each awarding 10 marks. The objective testing format is used and the pass mark is 50%. The Practitioner exam is open book but only the official MSP manual; Managing Successful Programmes, can be used. The Practitioner exam is based on a simple, unseen, scenario and is normally taken on Day 5 of the MSP Foundation and Practitioner course.

Pre-requisites: you must have achieved a score of at least 60% in the MSP Foundation exam and have attended MSP Practitioner training or completed our MSP e-learning course.

Advanced Practitioner level

The MSP Advanced Practitioner exam will test your knowledge and application of MSP at a deeper level than the Foundation or Practitioner exams. The test lasts for 3 hours and there are up to 3 questions, each awarding 25 marks. The questions can be broken down into multiple parts. An essay format is used and the pass mark is 50%. The Advanced Practitioner exam is open book and any material can be referred to during the test. The exam is based on a detailed programme management scenario which is available to students during the training course. The exam is normally taken on Day 2 of the MSP Advanced Practitioner course.

Pre-requisites: you must have passed the MSP Practitioner exam to take the MSP Advanced Practitioner exam. Alternatively you may have sat the MSP Practitioner exam and be awaiting your results. You will also have attended MSP Advanced Practitioner training.

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